Urban Photography POV-Video – Essen, Germany: Ep. 2

This is episode two of my POV (Point of View) video series. This time I walked around in Essen, Germany. If you’d like to see episode one click here.

I did quite a few long exposures as well as photos with higher ISO rates when shooting handheld. I am farely new to this POV game, however, I am really amazed by the quality of the little action cam that I bought a few months ago. So far I am enjoy to create those types of videos and I am also getting to know video production software more and more.

Besides that it still feels a little bit strange to walk around town with a little camera strapped on my chest. Yet with Corona it seems a lot less people try to approach me about the camera. There are a few who act strange once they realized that I have that on me, for example they start to dance or wave towards me. Maybe one day I will create a compilation of such.

For now, I hope you enjoy the videos and stay safe!

Teile diesen Beitrag

Van ist Rechtsreferendar mit Schwerpunktbereich sowohl im IT-Recht inklusive Datenschutzrecht, als auch Arbeitsrecht. Seine Leidenschaften sind die Fotografie, Fitness, Shoppen und alles rund um Web 2.0. Außerdem mag er (manche) Katzen.

Artikel: 19

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